St Brendan’s prides itself on its Pastoral Care for the school and the wider community.
We are profoundly aware of the shared role and responsibility for the provision of pastoral care of students throughout the school community by teachers, parents and clergy.
Pastoral care at St Brendan’s includes the orientation of new students, our Student Council, the way we deal with discipline issues, our LAP Program, our Seasons program, communication with parents, and support of families in need in our community.
Pastoral Care at St. Brendan’s reflects our Vision/Mission statement, which involves:
- Creating an atmosphere where Christ is seen as the centre of our lives
- Developing an understanding of the Catholic faith through its teachings, traditions and the Gospel values
- Promoting the growth of the whole person spiritually, socially, emotionally, intellectually and physically
- Cultivating within the individual an awareness of developing and living in harmony with the environment
- Fostering within each person an awareness of their uniqueness and the dignity and worth of others
- Encouraging the family in its role as the primary educator of the child
- Providing a quality education and promoting a desire of excellence within the individual.