English - St Brendans Lake Munmorah


In English, our students learn about reading, writing, speaking and listening. They learn about the English language and literature, how language varies according to context and how to communicate to a range audiences.

The aim of English in Years K–6 is to enable our students to understand and use language effectively, appreciate, reflect on and enjoy the English language and to make meaning in ways that are imaginative, creative, interpretive, critical and powerful.

Language is central to students’ intellectual, social and emotional development and has an essential role in all key learning areas.

Competence in English will enable our students to learn about the role of language in their own lives, and in their own and other cultures. They will then be able to communicate their thoughts and feelings, to participate in society, to make informed decisions about personal and social issues, to analyse information and viewpoints, to use their imagination and to think about the influence of culture on the meanings made with language.

Our students will develop knowledge, skills and understanding about the English language and literature through programs based on the English Syllabus.

We cater for a wide variety of students:

  • Students with Special Education Needs: Collaborative curriculum planning allows our dedicated teachers to determine the most appropriate curriculum options for our students with special education needs in keeping with their learning needs, strengths, goals and interests
  • Higher Ability Students: Higher Ability students have specific learning needs that may require adjustments to the pace, level and content of the curriculum. Our school offers differentiated educational opportunities that will assist in meeting the needs of such students, including the opportunity for specialised enrichment and extension.


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